A father-daughter bond has significant impact on her positive perceptions on relationship and life in general. Why? You may ask. It is because women take mental notes of how their father validates them through love, support, trust, and close bond. These positive attributes that they enjoy are used as yardstick to evaluate romantic relationships.
A study by the Institute for Family Studies highlighted how the constant interactions between father and daughter help to shape the latter’s perceptions about romantic relationships, communication skills, and sex. (Links to: https://ifstudies.org/). It was found that these frequent interactions expose women to the complexities of relationships, plus the qualities men desire in their lover.
Here are some reasons why men should choose women with strong bonds with their father:
Emotional Stability
Fathers help to build the self-esteem of their daughters through affirmative words, approval, and validation.
Linda Nielsen, Ph.D., Professor of Education and Adolescent Psychology, stressed that the involvement of a father in his daughter’s life instils self-confidence through positive words and teachings on self-reliance. Fathers teach their daughter not to seek validation from men because it exposes them to being taken advantage of.
Healthy Relationship Template
A father’s relationship with his daughter is capable of influencing her relationship choice. If she enjoys a good relationship with her father, she is most likely to see through a prospective partner with good intentions. She won’t waste time with a man who can’t replicate her father’s love to her.
Understanding Male Perspectives
Women with a strong bond with their father understand men very well. They will find it easy to respect and submit to their husband as the head of their family as they do to their father. Women’s relationship with their father help them to understand how men think and what they want from women.
Women who have closed bonds with their fathers are more likely to be disciplined than those who did not have a father figure to look up to. A father knows how to set his daughter towards the right path through discipline. Fortunately, a disciplined woman is likely to make the right life choices.
Women who enjoy robust a relationship with their father will also replicate similar relationship with her significant other. Sustaining a relationship that is built with trust and commitment will be a cakewalk for a woman who had such a relationship with her father. It is unlikely she will lower the bar set for her in regards to the committed relationship she had with her father.
Relationships are not cast in stone. However, it is helpful for men to gravitate towards seeking relationship with a woman who has a strong bond with her father. A woman who has qualities that come from father-relationship will help to build a healthy family with her husband.