Epictetus once said that stress is not what happens to us, but how we react to what happens.
Stress and rejection can be interlinked where one exists so the other can thrive. Both are negative energies humans experience due to anxiety, people-pleasing behaviors, and self-doubt.
Psychologically, stress is a form of mental discomfort one experiences after undergoing challenges or changes. This, as it is called mental discomfort, could evolve into physical pain like headache, chest pain, system imbalance, and dizziness. It’s a natural experience for humans that happens from time to time and could be used or maximized.
It’s almost inevitable to pass through life without experiencing stress.
The Mental Health Foundation 2018 Stress Survey reports that 74% of people have felt so stressed they have been overwhelmed or unable to cope.
Stress comes in different forms which include:
Acute stress – occurs within a short period of time. It is usually experienced from time to time.
Chronic – lasts for a long time. This could be weeks or months.
Physical symptoms that can point to stress are aches and pain, high blood pressure, tiredness, difficulty in digestion, and dizziness. Mental symptoms like irritability, depression, and sadness can also be a result of stress.
Stress can be propagated from so many human activities. These activities are called STRESSORS and can indicate likely causes of stress.
Stress cannot be measured by any medical instrument because it is subjective; only the person affected could easily describe the range of it. They are ways to relieve stress, which could aid in its management.
Some ways in which stress can be managed are:
Physical Activities – little activities like taking a walk, Yoga, and hitting the gym will help in the management of stress.
Positive Mindset – Focusing on the good and what you have achieved or accomplished will, in turn, help to strengthen your mental immune system, which could relieve you of stress.
Proper Planning – Journaling your goals for the week and months Will aid in giving you control of the moment and long-term achievable endeavors.
Therapy – Talking to a medical practitioner or a therapist about what’s disturbing you might be the game changer.
Stress can be detrimental to a person’s health and performance in life generally. You should learn how to manage it. Also, learn to rest intermittently between work and other life activities.